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The cultural philosophy

Enterprise Vision:

We will bring our superiority in trade resource and business ability into full play in order to build an international marketing window of SINOMACH. We will accomplish the transformation from traditional trade to the combination of new material base construction and industry and technology as well as the complete equipment import & export and international project contracting.

  • Enterprise Mission:

    "The harder you work, the better life you will have".

  • Core Value:

    "work together, win together"

  • Enterprise Spirit:

    "Tough CAEC"

  • Employees Standards:

    "Innovation,Challenge, Contribution"

粉末压片模具| 湖南合信制药设备| 镇江网站建设| 三维混合机厂家| 小型不锈钢除尘器| 硫酸亚铁厂家「价格低」| 碳纤维仪器箱| 台式低速离心机| 全自动丝网印刷机| 资质合作| 综合信号分析仪| C| 分液漏斗垂直多用振荡器| 沸腾干燥制粒机| 柴油发电机组【价格| 美国PARKER比例阀| 柴油发电机组厂家| KEYENCE基恩士| 雾度仪价格| 物联网开发| 铝无缝管| 高智能土壤养分检测仪| 重锤料位计| 防腐导波雷达物位计| 绵羊白介素1β检测试剂盒| 弹簧电子万能试验机| 磁力驱动反应釜| 温度传感器| 恒温恒湿试验箱| 塞头砖| 中央实验台厂家| 中国国际农业机械展览会| 蒸发式冷凝器| 调节阀| 安阳白铁皮加工| 活性炭吸头滤芯| 钢衬玻璃管道| 视觉导航叉车| 晶圆加热盘| ISG离心管道泵| 舌面象分析系统|