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Talent concept

Talent Concept:
To build a strong, people-oriented enterprise.

Talent Introduction:

SINOMACH INTERNATIONAL promotes a high standard in talents selection, improving the proportion of employee with master's degree and above. We choose an innovative recruitment model, led by the leaders, forming a recruitment team to enter colleges during spring and autumn seasons. In order to improve the efficiency for talent selection, we simplified recruitment process and select talents for SINOMACH INTERNATIONAL.

Talent Culture:

SINOMACH INTERNATIONAL provides the following trainings to help every new employee improve themselves such as company's corporate culture, trade knowledge and processes, business etiquette etc..

SINOMACH INTERNATIONAL provides colorful trainings in various forms to employees, including :moral, teamwork, workplace etiquette, professional quality trainings.

SINOMACH INTERNATIONAL organizes competitions with the following topics:"compete, learn, catch, help, super".To build the atmosphere of "The harder you work, the better life you will have".

Talent Assessment:

Following SINOMACH's efficacy- based remuneration distribution system, we aim to establish a sound and full appraisal system. Giving the priority to hard-working and  efficiency, and taking the principle of fairness into account. To establish a market-oriented remuneration system and to stimulate salesman's innovation and efficiency. 

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