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CMEC and CSR Group signed the Argentina railway reconstruction project cooperation agreement and the rolling stock procurement contract

2014-12-18 00:00:00

In December 12th, CMEC and CSR Group signed the Argentina railway reconstruction project cooperation agreement in a headquarters building state machine group and the rolling stock procurement contract. State machine group chairman Ren Hongbin Xu Jian, general manager, chief accountant Luo Jiamang, China South Locomotive Rolling Stock Corporation chairman Xu Zongxiang Changhong Zheng, deputy general manager, deputy general manager Wang Jun attended the signing ceremony. The signing ceremony presided over by Xie Biao, deputy general manager. CMEC chairman Sun Bai and general manager Zhang Chun attended the signing ceremony.

Argentina Belgrano freight railway reconstruction project, is the outstanding representative of Chinese enterprises to go out of "421" project, which is also one of the Argentina government attaches great importance to and supported by the public development project. As China's model of "diplomacy" pattern with Argentina strategic cooperation, the project by the CMEC sixth sets division development, the total amount of the contract of $2470000000. The railway reconstruction project after the completion of the line more than 1500 kilometers, covering Argentina, is main mineral resources mining area and crop planting area traffic lifeline, will have a crucial role to Argentina's economic recovery.

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